How was your weekend?
Did you celebrate a special event with your family? Did you involve yourself in a seminar or an exciting activity? Did you eat your happy food? Or perhaps, you just stayed at home and took some rest?
Last Saturday, I went to Sta. Cruz Laguna to host a Golden Wedding Anniversary. Yes, there are still marriages that last that long! <3 Nanay (the mother) is 68 years old, still very charming and strong. Tatay (the father), 69 years old, almost bedridden, couldn’t talk and walk anymore but still got some energy!
The family prepared several special numbers and everyone was involved! All the 10 children plus the 16 grandchildren, the relatives and the friends of the celebrants had their own special participation! I had to guard my emotions because as an events host, I just can’t be seen crying! Kidding aside, the speeches I heard really moved me.
You might be wondering “What were the messages?
Everyone had their own story to tell. Some mentioned how they remembered being very poor decades ago and now, they are so happy to have served and fulfilled their parents’ wish of celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Some talked about the good qualities of their parents and their siblings. But the consistent words that were uttered from beginning till the end were: THANK YOU.
For most of us, “Thank you” might be a phrase that we automatically say when someone helps us. Sometimes we mean it, sometimes, we don’t. Sometimes we say it and we look at the person in the eye, sometimes, we don’t even look at the person at all.
What does “Thank you” really mean?
I would like to think that it is not just a part of the 5 magic words/ phrases that we have to use just because. Remember Please, I’m sorry, Excuse me, and You’re welcome?
I would like to think that when we say “Thank you,” we are opening up a part of our heart and we are giving off positive energy to the other person because we understood the value of the assistance s/he extended to us.
As an events host, I usually measure my performance with the affirmations I get after hosting an event. Probably it’s the same with the other suppliers (Yay! That’s a tip for you the next time you hold an event and you want to commend someone for doing an awesome job!) Last night, I was happy to hear several feedback. But what stood out was when a young lady in her early or mid 20s, probably one of the grandchildren, went up to me, looked me in the eye, and said “Thank you.” No more explanation. Just plain sincere gratitude and we both knew what she was trying to say because I felt it my heart. I saw it in her eyes.
Now what’s my point?
If you want to make this world a better place- a happier one for us and the future generation…remember to appreciate and sincerely thank people.
I am not saying that you are not doing it.
I am sure you do because you were raised well by your parents!
I am just reminding you the power of saying “Thank you” in a sincere way: the kind where you look at the person in the eye, say the magic words and even mention his or her name. The kind that will make him or her feel that she is making a difference in this world. The kind of “Thank you” that will make him/her stay in the job and yearn to be more productive or the kind that will make the person want to serve you better. I am talking about the “Thank you” that will keep that person going!
Can you think of one consistent and sincere person who says thank you to you each time she/he has to?
I can think of one. She’s my mom. She never fails to text or utter thank you for every little or big thing that I do for her. And I want you to try that too. When you are the person on the receiving end, you would feel loved. And you would want to send out that love to the universe!
This week, let us remember to say “Thank you” in a sincere way: the kind where you look at the person in the eye, say the magic words and mention his or her name.
Trust me, that simple act will help make a difference in this world.
Positively yours,

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