How was your weekend?
I want to know how the past month has been for you!
As for me, I had a tough week.
Something happened involving my other business.
That was one thing I didn’t see coming. It is every entrepreneur’s nightmare.
More than the amount of money that was stolen from me, I was deeply hurt by my employee who has been with me for 8 years. I have fully trusted, supported and loved the person and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that person would betray me.
For the first 60 seconds, I was shocked. I felt afraid, sad, anxious and frustrated.
Questions in my head started popping in like:
What do I do now?
How do we get through this?
Will I ever know the real story behind all of these?
How do we bounce back?
But you know what? In less than 5 minutes, after feeling the pain, I was so amazed to see myself smiling again. And that smile was genuinely coming from the inside. I didn’t have to force myself to cheer up.
Right away, I immediately thanked the Almighty for this major disturbance. I knew that the positive feelings could only come back through divine intervention.
Because of this incident, I have come to know myself better.
I was so surprised to discover how much peace I have inside me that the pain was only there for a very short period of time. Wow, moving on fast- I am really good at. Perhaps because I know and I have always believed the universe has my back and whatever it is that you do, it is going to come back to you.
I only hope you are having a grand time right now!
But if by any chance you are experiencing or will experience insecurity, sadness, anxiety, frustration, impatience, madness and the like, know that a good way to rise above it is to be fully accepting of what is happening. Believe that the universe is one with you in resolving your issues and that the things you are going through whether good or bad are happening only because you are being prepared for the victory that you think you deserve.
I just saw this somewhere. And after reading this, how can you not say that you are not loved:
“Whenever you feel sad, remember that there are billions of cells in your body and all they care about is you.”
Tomorrow, choose to start August with a grateful heart!
Positively yours,
P.S. I just shared with you a major challenge that I went through last week. How about you, what kind of challenge are you currently facing? I asked so that I can give you more appropriate tips and tricks to keep you positive. ? Leave a Reply below if you can.

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