It was the second week of December when I posted pictures about my recent Vision Board workshop in Dubai.
A day after, somebody on Instagram messaged me and asked if it’s possible to conduct one for her and her team.
After a few more direct message exchanges, I asked her “If we come up with a public run on January, would you come and bring your friends?”
She said yes. ✨
After a day, I looked for a possible venue sponsor and I remembered how The Parenting Emporium was game for such collaboration!
I met Maricel and Beng of TPE about 2 years ago when I attended Martine de Luna’s blogging workshop. And a few weeks after, the beautiful duo contacted me and asked if I can spare some time at the TPE and engage the kids of their new partners as they collaborate on a new project. I said sure, yes. So I went with my bestfriend and engaged the kiddos while Beng and Maricel worked with blogger Tina Rodriguez and celebrity moms Marilen Montenegro, Rica Peralejo and Cheska Garcia.
And so when I was contemplating if I should do a public run in January, I talked to The Parenting Emporium, and wow! Instantly, we set the date and viola! A poster was made and posted!
You see, collaborations, partnerships, sponsorships and of course, helping without expecting something in return— they come a long way!
This post is not just about the Vision Board Workshop itself. This is a post on gratitude and love given back to the following brands who instantly said yes and even offered their services for the 36th Vision Board Party! ✨
Thank you so much to:
The Parenting Emporium, Sha Nacino, Shophouse Coffee, Eternitint, Tees and Things, Caligrazee,
Wrap It Up!, Project Ushered and Boost G Photography!
Sharing with you happy and engaging moments during the party:
UPIS Highschool student, Felicity, tagged along with her mom, Farrah and created her first ever Vision Board! When we asked Farrah what did she like best about the workshop, she said “The set up, the length (of the workshop), the VIBE, the talk and the actual workshop- all EXCELLENT!” Awww, Farrah. Thank you for asking us to do this Vision Board Party!
This was the part where the participants were asked to visualize what they want in life.
Newly married Kath and Migs had these to say…According to Kath, “I like it that I was able to unleash my creativity.” And from Miguel, “I like the real life samples, the talk about clearer goals and differentiation between your wants and your life goals!”
The Vision Board Workshop was divided into three parts.
First, yours truly, Coach Trixie, prepared the audience to engage their mind, heart and soul. They were given real life stories, testimonials and of course, guides and dos and donts of Vision Board Making.
Second, they were given an ample time to reflect what to put on their Vision Board Funsheet and their own Vision Boards as they helped themselves get all the materials they need in the buffet area.
“I like the positive vibes around the room! I like the energy and enthusiasm of Ms Trixie! And the generosity of the sponsors” said Jen. ✨
“It was so much fun! Aside from the freebies, I like that it gave me a chance to be creative while doing my board” said Jam.✨
During the workshop, participants were able to take a reasonable amount of ME time where they really had to ask themselves about what do they really want in life.
They were given an opportunity to visualize their aspirations and share it with the group so in return, they got pure wishes of good vibes and support.
And for the last part of the party, everyone shared his/ her own masterpiece to the group with so much excitement and positivity!
Everybody couldn’t help but smile! They continued to giggle and laugh as no one was left without a prize. Everybody in the room went home with prizes from our partners.✨
Here are some snippets of reviews from the happy participants!
A special thank you is also in order to Jay of The Momma Club for the blog she wrote about her experience. Please check out her first hand experience on the workshop at
With these, my team and I extend our gratitude and love to all the participants and partners of the 36th Vision Board Party!
Thank you for reading. I hope to have you in my next workshop, too!

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