I can’t believe it’s July already!
Have you reviewed your personal goals for the first part of the year?
Just like you, from time to time, I get lost along the way. There are so many things going on- my retail business, my speaking engagements and trainings plus of course, family and other extra curricular activities like Toastmasters. 🙂
Whenever I feel down, overwhelmed and lost, you know what I find effective in clearing my head, regaining my strength and refueling my passion?
Prayer. Vision Board. Journal.
A vision board is a board where you put pictures or words of everything that you want in life- both tangible and intangible. With the right approach, it works like magic!
I just made a video about it and I talked about Ann who shared with me how affirmations and vision board helped her in giving birth naturally, finding her dream house and going on a vacation!
You may watch the 2 minute video here—> http://bit.ly/CREATEYOUROWNBOARD
How about you, what do you do when you’re down? I want to know!
Positively yours,

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